How can I change Turkish nationality of my children
Since the nationality of a child under 18 is tied to that of their father or mother, it is not possible to renounce nationality solely for the child. Therefore, it is through the loss of nationality by one of the parents that the child... »
Renewable Energy Law in Turkey
Law No.5346, entitled "Renewable Energy Resources Law for the Purpose of Generating Electricity" stipulates that RES (Renewable Energy Resources) are wind, solar, geothermal, bio-mass, bio-gas, wave current and tidal power sources... »
Real estate purchase by foreigners in Turkey
Foreigners who want to buy a real estate property in Turkey shall apply to the Land Registry Office where the real estate is located. As a matter of principle, duly recognized by the Supreme Courts, there... »
What are arbitration fees in Turkey
What are arbitration fees in Turkey A Communiqué About International Arbitration Fees (hereafter referred as “Communiqué”) was published in the official gazette number 29647 by the Ministry of Justice on the 8th... »
What are the cost of incorporating company in Turkey
In order to set up a limited liability company ("LLC") in Turkey, no minimum shareholders are required. The minimum share capital is 10.000 TL (approximately USD 3300,-). Shareholders of an LLC, who wish to establish a limited... »
Competition law in Turkey, anti-trust regulation applying to Turkish companies
Competition laws Turkish Law on the Protection of Competition (law no. 4054) is regulating the major anti trust rules that applies to companies operating in Turkey. It aims to protect the competition between and prevent practices... »
foreign investment in Turkish tourism sector
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is the main regulatory body in Turkey's tourism sector. All issues relating to investments in the tourism sector are handled by the General Directorate for Investment. There is also a private entity... »
Differences between main form of companies under Turkish laws ?
The following are some of the more important differences between a Joint Stock Company and a Limited Liability Company under Turkish laws : • A single shareholder may establish both Joint Stock Company or Limited Liability... »
How to establish a company in Turkey ?
If the founder of the company is a legal entity, the following documents are required: 1. Petition in due form, 2. Establishment Statement, 3. Articles of Association, 4. Certificate of Activity, 5.... »
investing in the Turkish financial sector
When investing in the Turkish financial sector, foreign investors are subject to the same conditions and permits as Turkish investors. There are no limits or restrictions in the financial legislation regarding foreign investors.... »
Law on foreign investment in Turkey
In the followings matters and sectors, foreigners have limited access or no access at all, under current legislation : Media, radio and television broadcasting : Under the Law governing the establishment of radio and... »
How to contest an arbitration decision (award) in Turkey ?
Under Turkish International Arbitration Code, the courts cannot review the merits of the arbitral award and correctness of the arbitrator’s decision. The exclusive way to challenge an international arbitral award is to... »
Arresting a ship in Bosphorus (istanbul)
Our team of shipping lawyers have an extensive practice of seizures and arrest over vessels, passing through Bosphorus. The Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits (entered into force in 1936) gives Turkey control... »
How to mandate a lawyer in Turkey ?
Under Turkish laws, attorneys at law may only act when duly empowered by a power of attorney in due form. This is to say that if you intend to hire a lawyer in Tukey, you are obliged to issue a power of attorney. The formal... »
Trademark litigation in Turkey
In order to be protected, you trademark shall be registered in Turkey. Indeed, this is one of the main differences between patent and trademark, the second needing a local registration in each country. Once registered... »
How to start a business in Turkey ?
To start a business in Turkey, when joint stock company is not necessary, we do strongly recommend establishing a limited liability company. The registration procedure follows the steps herein under... »
How to succeed in a debt collection in Turkey ?
Debt collection procedure in Turkey may appear as complicated, especially for foreign creditors. However, the procedure to recover an unpaid debt, due to invoice or contractual clause, is quite similar to the systems in Europe. The... »
SCAM involving names of
Fraud and SCAM According to consistent complaints, a SCAM scheme contacts victims to inform them that: There is an inheritance ; A large sum of money is awaiting transfer to a bank account >> A fake document... »
Shipping lawyers in istanbul
Our team of shipping lawyers have an extensive practice of seizures and arrest over vessels, passing through Bosphorus. They perfectly know perfectly how to combine international conventions with applicable laws to the contract... »
Tax on transfer of dividends from Turkey
There is no limitation for repatriation of profits unless the company is monitored by an upper supervisory body (such as the Capital Market Board or the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Board), whose approval is required.... »
Trademark protection in Turkey
Trademark protection in Turkey In order to be protected, you trademark shall be registered in Turkey. Indeed, this is one of the main differences between patent and trademark, the second needing a local registration in each... »
incorporating a company in Turkey
In order to set up a limited liability company ("LLC") in Turkey, no minimum shareholders are required. The minimum share capital is 10.000 TL (approximately USD 3300,-). Shareholders of an LLC, who wish to establish a limited... »
Transfer of dividends outside Turkey
There is no limitation for repatriation of profits unless the company is monitored by an upper supervisory body (such as the Capital Market Board or the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Board), whose approval is required. After... »