To start a business in Turkey, when joint stock company is not necessary, we do strongly recommend establishing a limited liability company.
The registration procedure follows the steps herein under :
1. Execution and notarization of articles of association, signature declaration of the managers, copies of each manager's identity card or passport and commercial books.
For documents established outside Turkey, special requirements are in force, that shall be managed caase by case.
2. Paying a percentage of the capital to the account of the Competition Authority
A representative or attorney can proceed to this requirement.
3. Filing at the Trade Registry Office, the incorporation notice form, commitment letter, and Chamber registration statement
These documents shall be in Turkish language and pre-printed and signed by representatives or attorneys.
4. Notarisation and certification of the mandatory books.
5. Application to the Tax Office on the Commercial Registry's notification.
6. Deposit the initial capital in a bank and obtain the certificate of paid-in capital (when mandatory).
Now you have your legal entity to start business and invoice...