INLAWCO's labor and employment practice includes every area of labor and employment law, from counselling to litigating.
In the area of traditional employment relations, we advise on a daily basis, dozens of companies. This allows an extensive knowledge on the latest issues and provides a wide experience, that profits to all our clients.
In addition to traditional labor law, INLAWCO has extensive experience in all aspects of employment litigation, including trial work, in cases arising under Labor Law no. 4876.
Our attorneys have extensive litigation experience defending clients against breach of contract claims, wrongful termination claims, overtime salary claims and accidents / insurance claims.
This practice includes preventive counseling, that we provide also in corporate governance practice.
- We conduct comprehensive employment audits to expose problem areas that may become legal risks.
- We provide management training seminars at workplaces.
- We prepare and review employment policies and procedures manuals to ensure compliance with Law no. 4857. This combination of educating supervisors on employment issues and giving employees notice of company expectations results in very real cost savings, as well as intangible personnel benefits.